Bifinhos de perú com manga e espargos | Turkey breast with mango and asparagus

   2 Pessoas
-200 gr peito de perú cortado em cubos
-1 pitada de Sal e Pimenta
-1 Manga descascada
-100 ml Natas (usei de soja)
-Espargos verdes
-2 Colheres de sopa de azeite
-1 Colher de chá de mostarda (eu usei mostarda de manga)
-2 Dentes de Alho picados

   2 People
-200 gr Turkey breast cut into cubes
-1 Pinch of Salt and Pepper
- 1 Mango peeled
-100 ml Cream (I used Soy)
- Green Asparagus
-2 Tsp of Olive oil
-1 Teaspoon of mustard (I used mustard mango)
-2 Cloves of garlic, minced

-Temperar os cubos de perú e levar ao lume com um pouco de azeite quente apenas para dourar a carne, e reservar
-Esmagar a manga com a varinha mágica ou liquidificadora e misturar com a mostarda e as natas
-Juntar o molho ao azeite onde foi frita a carne e levar a lume brando 2 minutos
-Saltear os espargos (cozidos previamente 2 minutos em água a ferver) com o alho picado e azeite
-Servir a carne no molho de manga acompanhada com os espargos.

-Season the turkey cubes and bring to the boil with a little hot olive oil just to brown the meat, and reserve
-Crush the mango with the magic wand or blender and mix with the mustard and cream
- Add this sauce to olive oil which meat was fried and bring to simmer 2 minutes
-Sauté asparagus (boiled previously 2 minutes in boiling water) with chopped garlic and olive oil
- Serve the meat in the mango sauce accompanied with asparagus.


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