Bolo de Beterraba, chocolate branco e mirtilos | Beet, white chocolate and blueberries Cake

-120 gr Chocolate branco
-200 gr Beterraba cozida
-200 gr Açúcar amarelo
-190 gr Farinha
-2 Ovos
-150 gr Manteiga
-1/2 Colher café de Fermento em pó
-1 Pitada de Sal
-120 gr White Chocolate
-200 gr cooked Beet
-200 gr Brown Sugar
-190 gr Flour
-2 Eggs
-150 gr Butter
-1/2 Coffee spoon of Baking powder
-1 Pinch of Salt

-Pré-aquecer o forno a 180º e untar uma forma, polvilhando com farinha a seguir
-Cortar e triturar a beterraba até conseguir puré
-Derreter o chocolate com a manteiga e adicionar o açúcar mexendo bem
-Juntar os ovos um a um, batendo a mistura
-adicionar a beterraba, a farinha, o sal e o fermento, envolvendo tudo
-Colocar a mistura na forma e colocar os mirtilos, antes de o colocar no forno por 30-40 minutos até o palito sair limpo.

-Preheat oven to 180 and grease a form, and then sprinkling with flour
-Cut the beets and grind until you get purée
-Melt the chocolate with the butter and add the sugar stirring well
-Add eggs one at a time, beating the mixture
-Add the beets, flour, salt and yeast, involving all
-Place the mixture in the form and put the blueberries, before placing it in the oven for 30-40 minutes until toothpick comes out clean.


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